Spants Pants of Dance AND PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Work

Well, Blizzard has finally made teh Battlegrounds available in WoW (World of Warcraft for the unintiated). I am really excited about this becuse just a few more levels and my Tauren Druid can participate in the fun, I think my Dwarf Paladin can fight in the battlegrounds but he is stuck in some mine somewhere and I am to lazy to get him out. I really like the fact that already the amount of raiding on the crossroads (a hoard town) has gone down alot.
So Heggeman was found bitching on one of my posts comments and therefore linkage ensued and now he can be accessed from blog.
Sadly I have still not gotten a call from Walmart on my application so today I went out and applied a lot more places like Kohl's, Staples, and others. I am still hoping for the Walmart job but I might as well hedge my bets.
Oh well, I guess I should write my fanfiction now(read: play WoW) . One more thing I hope I do better at bowling this week compared to last week where I got a 50, 80-something, and a 53 on the 3 games we played.

Monday, June 06, 2005


I am a very happy man today because I(well me and Droid, ok Droid mostly) finally have figured out what the hell was wrong with the internet. It was THE ROUTER. So I got to go buy a new router today I came home and set it up and it works! This alone has made my day.
I was also out and about today and got in an optemetrist appointment and found out my eyesight has not changed for the past 2 years and was even able to pick up my new glasses today. Oh and I also called Walmart today to find out about the job and they said they hadn't made a decision yet but that I am still in the running for it (wish me luck). I guess I have had a fairly busy day today and I have nothing else to say.